Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Cutest Tricycle Ever?

We have officially decided that this early 20th century tricycle that came into the store this week is the cutest tricycle ever! Everything about it is just so gorgeous, the style, the aged patina.  You can almost imagine the pure joy children have had tearing around on it in times past...

The arrival of our little tricycle has however, set off a craze for all forms of pedal power here at Flywheel as can be seen by our designs and printing this week....


birthday cards

cute gift cards with envelopes

notebooks with printed bicycle designs

But what a wonderful appeal all the vintage bicycle designs have, maybe as they are reminiscent of different eras or the joy and freedom of riding your bike when you were a child, but they definitely have made us smile this week...

Until next time,

the flywheel team

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